For more than a decade, Lynch Carpenter has been helping disabled individuals with obtaining Social Security disability benefits through its Disability Legal Clinic. We provide our clients with assistance in filing their initial application for Social Security disability benefits, filing all appeal papers if they have received a denial of their application, and we provide our client with an experienced attorney to represent them at their disability hearing. It is our goal to provide each of our clients with the personal attention they deserve during this difficult time in their life and to make the claim process as easy as possible for them. If you need quality representation in your Social Security disability claim or just have questions regarding the requirements for obtaining Social Security disability benefits or the claims process please contact us, we are here to help.
The Disability Legal Clinic office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
You can contact us at the Disability Legal Clinic by telephone at 1-800-467-5241.
Additionally, you can stop in and personally speak with us at the Disability Legal Clinic office, which is located at 36 N. Jefferson Street, New Castle, PA 16101. Although it is best to schedule an appointment to meet with us, if our staff is available we will meet with anyone who stops in our office.
Email: we can be reached at pamela@lcllp.com