Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy

Why did you become a lawyer?
I sort of fell into it. When I was getting ready to graduate college, I knew I wanted to continue my education and do something that would help people. My degree is in psychology but after some thought, I decided that being a therapist was not for me. After ruling out grad school, being a lawyer seemed like an active way I could help fix people’s problems. Practicing law has been a great experience; it’s an area of constant development.
Most memorable court room experience?
Before civil litigation, I was a criminal defense attorney. Once, the prosecution withdrew a plea deal and forced my client to go to trial so that a new prosecutor could get trial experience. It was unfair but, unfortunately, completely within the prosecution’s prerogative to do so. Thankfully, after arguing all the facts in my client’s favor, the jury acquitted my client of certain allegations that lead to a lighter sentence than the prosecution was seeking. I won’t forget the look on the prosecutor’s face after delivering my opening when he realized my client and I were not going down without a fight.
What are 3 things you couldn’t survive without?
Iced lattes, my record collection, and cheesesteaks.
Favorite Musician or Band?
I listen to music a lot and love discovering new artists, so I have too many to pick just one.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
If I’m not obsessing over some video game, I like exploring the streets of LA. The city is full of hidden gems you won’t find driving around.
How long have you been an Attorney at Lynch Carpenter?
I joined the firm in June 2021. It is a pleasure to work with such a great group of sharp minded professionals as we even the playing field for our clients.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen

Why did you become a lawyer?
I always joke that I was destined to become a lawyer because I was raised by one (my dad); so, from a very young age I was already answering “yes or no” questions as “it depends.” But in all seriousness, I became a lawyer because I am very analytical, like to debate, and love to learn. Outside of the law, there are very few professions that allow you to do all three every day.
Most memorable court room experience?
My first oral argument is my most memorable court room experience because of its unusual circumstances. I was arguing our brief in opposition to a defendant’s preliminary objections in state court, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the argument was over zoom. So instead of going to court, there I was, in my office, doing a court argument in a blazer and jeans. Very few attorneys can say they did their first oral argument in jeans!
What are 3 things you couldn’t survive without?
My family, coffee (lots of coffee), and a nice glass of bourbon.
Favorite Musician or Band?
This is a tough one. But according to Spotify, it’s Taylor Swift.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
After a long week at the office, I like to unwind by cooking with my girlfriend, binge watching a T.V. show, spending time outside (golfing, running, or hiking), and (if it’s football season) watching the Buffalo Bills with a fresh bowl of chicken wing dip.
How long have you been an Attorney at Lynch Carpenter?
I have been with the firm since the summer of 2020. I began as a summer associate in 2020, worked as a law clerk during my final year of law school, and began as a full-time associate in the fall of 2021.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella

Why did you become a lawyer?
I’ve always been an analytical thinker and enjoy being in the “gray area” working my way out. Being an attorney seemed like a natural fit, and so far, it has been. I also recognized early on the benefits of understanding the law, generally, and how it can be beneficial in everyday life even outside of work. What they didn’t tell me in law school, though, was how many of my friends and family would be reaching out with legal questions!
Most memorable court room experience?
My very first experience in the court room will always be the most memorable. I remember building it up so much in my head that by the time the hearing came, I thought it was going to be like an episode of Perry Mason where both sides start yelling then someone in the gallery confesses to murder. Halfway through the argument, though, it turned into more of a casual conversation with the Judge rather than the “argument” I anticipated. Once that happened, the experience seemed very natural as though I’ve been doing it for years.
What are 3 things you couldn’t survive without?
My family. I’ve been blessed with a very close family who have all supported me throughout my life in every decision I made. The outdoors. There’s no better place for me to clear my head and get my thoughts organized. That’s where a majority of my big “aha!” moments happen both for work and in life. Food. Specifically, a nice ribeye.
Favorite Musician or Band?
This is a tricky one because I enjoy all different genres of music depending upon what mood I’m in or what I’m doing.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
I try to get outside as much as possible. It helps me unwind after being in front of the computer all week. When it’s warm outside I’m usually golfing or having cookouts with family and close friends. In the colder months I’m likely hunting or watching football.
How long have you been an Attorney at Lynch Carpenter?
I was a Summer Associate in 2015 and really enjoyed working with the group of attorneys in the firm, many of whom are still here today. I also thought the legal concepts that the firm grappled with were very interesting and, in a way, exciting. I rejoined the firm in early 2020 and it reaffirmed those two beliefs. It’s a continuous intellectual challenge and very rewarding.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel

Why did you become a lawyer?
Starting in middle school, several experiences sparked me to study constitutional rights and socioeconomic justice. I also always loved reading history, and started following politics during the presidential election in 2000. Still, even though these interests might naturally suggest a career in law or government, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I graduated high school. But during my freshman year in college, I started to see that most of the things I might like to do for work would be more feasible with a law degree. So I started looking into that path, and decided to go for it. I think it was a great choice for me.
Most memorable court room experience?
I can’t pick just one, so I have three, all quite different.
First, we took a case to a jury trial in 2018, and the middle of it was interrupted by a major blizzard, so we had to wait around in snow-covered Philadelphia for a day and half before court reopened. The whole experience was a bit surreal, especially the moment that the jury foreperson read the verdict, which felt pretty dramatic even though we were very confident in our case. Fortunately, the jury awarded our clients everything we sought, so it’s a good memory.
Second, I would say all of my appellate oral arguments have been very memorable. I’ve only done five at this point, so each one is still fresh in my mind. I really enjoy getting to know every detail of a case and the applicable law, and then trying to convince a panel of judges to go our way. It’s not easy, but it is exhilarating and can be fun if you approach it the right way.
Third, I actually served on a jury for a criminal case a couple years ago. I didn’t think I’d get picked given the fact that I’m a lawyer, but I made it through. It was not a major case, but it also wasn’t an easy case, so the deliberations took about a full day, and were a bit contentious at points. Even though I’d been a lawyer for a few years at that point, I learned a lot about our justice system from that experience, and I’ll never forget it.
What are 3 things you couldn’t survive without?
- Friends, family, and my wife. I’ve been very fortunate on all those fronts, and am lucky to be married to someone whose own friends and family are also people I enjoy spending time with. Being surrounded by great people who you love to talk to and celebrate life with is very sustaining.
- Music. It’s always been important to me for a lot of reasons. It keeps the good parts of my brain active and gives my mood a boost whenever I need it.
- Keeping up on the news. This might seem trivial to some people, who can tune it all out and be perfectly happy, but I’m not wired like that. I need to know what’s going on in the world, or I’ll start to feel like I’m trapped in a cave.
Favorite Musician or Band?
My favorite band is The Lawrence Arms, a punk trio from Chicago. More widely-known honorable mentions would be The Cure, Radiohead, and Bruce Hornsby. A weird mix.
Favorite Activity to do in Pittsburgh on the weekend?
Going out to a restaurant or a show with my wife and/or friends.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Pamela Miller

Why did you become a lawyer?
At the core of it is my desire to help the underdog prevail. When I was young I use to hear stories about my dad’s co-workers at the railroad being injured on the job and how the employer would give them such a hard time. I just felt that was so unfair and it created this desire in me to help injured workers. That was my original reason for wanting to be a lawyer. (I am sure watching the Perry Mason reruns helped some too.) Since then my interest has expanded to helping those who cannot work due to their medical impairments to obtain Social Security disability benefits.
Most memorable court room experience?
My most memorable court room experience happened early in my law career when I was trying my second personal injury case. The attorney for the defendant was much more experienced than I was and that made me nervous about trying the case, especially when it came to making my closing argument. But after we had given our closing arguments and the jury was sent to the jury room to deliberate the outcome, the court reporter came up to me and told me that my closing argument and response to the defendant’s closing argument was “great”. Since I knew she had heard hundreds of these closing arguments, her seeking me out to give me this compliment really helped me gain confidence in my ability to summarize and argue my cases.
What are 3 things you couldn’t survive without?
God is first and foremost needed for me to survive as my faith is the center of who I am. Chocolate and my family and friends are the other things I would not want to be without.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I think there are a few things people would be surprised to learn about me, but if I was to list one of them I guess it would be that I owned and rode my own Harley Davidson motorcycle. This was actually an accomplishment for me because for many years I was afraid of riding motorcycles. I took the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Rider Safety course to learn how to ride, and I recommend it to anyone learning to ride.
Favorite activity to do on the weekend?
One of my favorite activities is going camping. It is nice to connect with nature, get away from the pressures of everyday life, and spend time with my husband without interruptions and the internet.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Eddie Kim

Why did you become a lawyer?
The primary reason that I became a lawyer is that I come from a non-English-speaking, blue-collar, immigrant family, and it became very evident to me that we needed someone in the family who had a better understanding of American institutions to help navigate through all of the things that life throws at you. As a natural offshoot of this intention was the appeal of helping others who are underdogs or need a voice, which led me to pursue public interest work and now consumer protection law.
What are three things you couldn’t survive without?
Nearby hiking trails in mountains and forests; late night eateries; guitar.
Favorite musician or band?
Radiohead and Led Zeppelin.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
I have recently gotten into learning to do a bit of cooking (not particularly well) and hosting group dinners.
Most memorable court room experience?
Participating in a trial against Wells Fargo challenging its unlawful overdraft fee practices that resulted in a verdict for a large class of customers. It was rewarding to see justice being accomplished and help effect change on a large scale that primarily helped people at lower income levels.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson

Why did you become a lawyer?
I wish I could say that I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer, but that’s not true. My friend invited me to Penn State when I was a Junior in college to take a practice LSAT for free and I did alright without studying, which is the first time I ever thought about it. After working for five years in insurance I figured I’d take the LSAT for real and apply. While not a long-planned decision, it was a great one!
What are three things you couldn’t survive without?
My family, coffee, and my iPhone.
Favorite musician or band?
I am still stuck in my late 1990’s punk/emo phase, but the Beastie Boys will always have my heart.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend?
You’ll find me on the sidelines at softball and hockey for my kids on most weekends. I also love going out for dinner and drinks (I’m partial to IPAs) with my husband.
Most memorable court room experience?
My very first (bench) trial where I served as lead trial counsel in a medical malpractice and obtained a verdict for my client for the maximum statutory recovery allowed.
Spotlight: Tiffine Malamphy
April 29, 2022
Spotlight: Patrick Donathen
March 29, 2022
Spotlight: Nicholas Colella
February 17, 2022
Spotlight: Jamisen Etzel
March 15, 2021
Spotlight: Pamela Miller
January 15, 2021
Spotlight: Eddie Kim
August 17, 2020
Spotlight: Kelly Iverson
May 21, 2020